Publication date

  • June 6, 2013

SMI and Tobii Settle Litigations and Agree on License for Tobii Patent Family

STOCKHOLM and Teltow/Berlin, June 6, 2013—SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) and Tobii Technology have settled litigations on infringement and validity of Tobii’s region of interest patent family (EP 1 562 459) and have signed a license agreement in relation to this patent family.

For more information about SensoMotoric Instruments, please visit

For more information about Tobii Technology, please visit


SensoMotoric Instruments
Stefanie Gehrke, Market Communication, SensoMotoric Instruments GmbH;
Phone: +49 3328 395532;

Tobii Technology: Corporate contact:
Sara Hyléen, Marketing Director, Tobii Technology;
phone: +46 709 161 641; email: sara.hyleen (@)

In the U.S.:Kristina Messner, Senior Vice President of Public Relations, Focused Image; phone: +1-703-678-6023; email: kmessner (@)

Publication date

  • June 6, 2013

Investor Relations

Tobii Head of IR

Carolina Strömlid

Head of Investor Relations

PR and Communications

Rasmus Löwenmo Buckhöj  - Head of Communications, Tobii

Rasmus Löwenmo Buckhöj

Head of Communications