Publication date

  • November 23, 2022

Tobii green listed in the 2022 Allbright report

This week, the Swedish foundation Allbright presented its 21st equality report, which evaluates Swedish public-traded companies on the career opportunities they bring for women and minorities careers. Tobii was listed on the green list, which puts the company in a leading position regarding gender equality. Tobii was listed 22 of 361 overall.

Overall, 19 percent of the surveyed companies were green listed. Getting on the green list requires at least a 40/60 split between women and men in senior leadership positions. 62 percent of the companies were listed on the yellow, and 19 percent failed and got listed on the red list.

“At Tobii, we are convinced diversity makes us a better and more innovative company,” said Ulrika Andersson, VP of HR at Tobii. “Our business depends on innovation and to break boundaries and to do that, we need people with different backgrounds and competencies.”

The report shows that the development towards an even division of gender in leading positions has stopped in the last year. The growth of women in managerial positions has increased constantly, according to previous reports. Still, the development has stopped this year, and the percentage lands at 27 percent, which is the same as last year.

Read the full report here (in Swedish)

For more information on diversity and inclusion:

Publication date

  • November 23, 2022

Investor Relations

Tobii Head of IR

Carolina Strömlid

Head of Investor Relations

PR and Communications

Rasmus Löwenmo Buckhöj  - Head of Communications, Tobii

Rasmus Löwenmo Buckhöj

Head of Communications