Manufacturing Tobii Pro Glasses 3

How we run our business

As part of Tobii’s commitment to sustainable business practices, we take measures to identify our material aspects to ensure we understand the impact of our operations. Our material topics are in line with our business strategies.

Sustainable employer

Behind Tobii’s success you will find brilliant people —Tobiians — who have formed our strong company culture, helping the company achieve its goals.

Learning culture

Tobii offers a dynamic workplace with generous learning and development opportunities. We strive to develop and improve our learning culture and ways of working to provide the best environment for personal and organizational development.

Diversity and inclusion

We are passionate about creating an inclusive and welcoming environment that values and embraces diversity. Together with inclusion, diversity plays an important role in our strategic business decisions as well as in our everyday work — far beyond compliance. More than 50 countries are currently represented at our headquarters in Stockholm.

Wellness and fun at work

Supporting a healthy, fun, and engaging workplace is one of our focus areas. Our event committee, Fun Trackers, run activities to ensure we maintain our culture and togetherness. The activities included in our wellness initiative, Team Tobii, are designed to encourage employee wellbeing. Tobii offers a broad range of benefit schemes and programs that support work life balance and promote long-term employee health.

Environmental responsibility

We recognize the challenges linked to climate change and their effect on human health and the environment. We consequently strive to reduce our footprint and run our business in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Product design and lifecycle management

Tobii is committed to reducing the environmental impact of our products throughout their lifecycle — from manufacturing to use and disposal. When choosing materials, we consider the user experience, the lifetime and usability of the product, while minimizing environmental impact and raising our material efficiency.

CO2 emission and energy consumption

As part of our Environmental Management System in Tobii, we analyze and follow up our environmental impact annually. We continuously optimize our supply chain to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions from our transportation of products. Part of our environmental impact comes from energy use in our offices. We have introduced 100% renewable energy on the premises where we have our own contracts, and for the offices where we have direct contract with electricity suppliers, we systematically monitor energy consumption and work to improve our energy efficiency.

Producer responsibility

Tobii is a member of various compliance schemes for collection, recycling and re-using of electronic waste (WEEE), batteries and packaging. We have partnered with local organizations within the European Union as well as in UK, Switzerland and Norway to avoid unnecessary transport of electronic waste and batteries for take-back. Learn more about how you can recycle your Eye Tracker, Take-back options and how we take responsibility regarding WEEE/BATT/PACK:
Producer responsibility

Ethical conduct

We aim to be a transparent and responsible company, one that builds and earns trust, a worthy collaborator delivering a high level of dedication. We have strong values and high standards in terms of our business ethics and actions — as a company and as individuals. We do this to be a positive force in society, to retain our reputation, ensure repeat customers, and motivate our employees.

Code of business conduct

Tobii is committed to conducting business fairly, honestly, and openly, with integrity, and in compliance with the applicable laws of all the countries where we do business. As a global company, Tobii must comply with the varying laws of many countries. If local practice differs from a Tobii policy, our guideline is to adhere to the more conservative or highest practices standard.

Whistleblower policy

Our whistleblower policy includes information how to report complaints, what to report, treatment of reports, results of investigation, and protection of whistleblowers — including a non-retaliation clause. Anyone, including employees, partners, supplier, or the public, may report openly, confidentially, or anonymously and reports are handled confidentially. 

Anti-corruption policy

Risks of bribery and corruption are assessed during the annual risk analysis work that the company’s management team conducts with the board of directors. Tobii’s Supplier Policy also stipulates zero tolerance of all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion, and embezzlement. 

Data security and privacy

We have a set of routines and procedures in place to ensure compliance to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and we are committed to ensuring that data is protected. Our Data Privacy Policy outlines how Tobii handles personal data. 

Supplier sustainability program

Tobii is a global company with suppliers spread across the globe. Because we deliver complete products and integration platforms, Tobii does not handle raw materials, but we set standards that should be followed throughout the supply chain.

As a vital part of Tobii’s sustainability work, we strive to collaborate with suppliers and subcontractors that conduct business to the highest applicable standards for social, environmental, and governance (ESG). Our Supplier Sustainability Program comprises the processes to uphold such standards.

The program stretches from qualification of new suppliers throughout the full period of engagement. The standards and requirements are clearly stated in our Supplier Code of Conduct, ensuring that all suppliers and their subcontractors assume environmental and ethical responsibility, that working conditions are safe and fair, and that workers are treated with respect and dignity. The Supplier Code of Conduct requires all suppliers to respect human rights in the spirit of internationally recognized standards, including ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We monitor compliance and drive continuous improvements through our audit program.

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