Green trees and recycling symbol

Responsible operations

Acknowledging the complexities of climate change, we recognize that sustainability must be embedded in all operations across our products' life cycles, while ensuring a responsible supply chain and upholding high ethical standards throughout the organization.

Sustainability in our business

Tobii is deeply committed to our environmental responsibilities. Our goal is to minimize the adverse environmental impact of our operations by influencing decisions beyond our direct control. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions within our operations and positively impacting decisions throughout our supply chain. We utilize an integrated global management system, supported by ISO certifications such as ISO 14001, to meet customer requirements, streamline processes, and enhance our environmental performance.

For global reporting, we follow the GRI protocol to track and understand our emissions. We are committed to reducing emissions, improving energy efficiency, minimizing waste, and promoting recycling. Starting in 2024, or 2025 at the latest, we will adhere to the new EU sustainability reporting legislation (CSRD) and its reporting standards (ESRS) and are actively working to meet these requirements.

Greenhouse effect
Tobii office

Emissions and energy consumption

Our environmental impact includes energy use in our offices. While Tobii does not own any facilities, we have implemented 100% fossil-free practices where possible and monitor energy consumption to improve efficiency. In 2023, we achieved carbon neutrality for several offices for scopes 1 and 2 by offsetting unavoidable emissions through gold standard projects. We are continuously exploring energy reduction opportunities and will transition to 100% renewable energy in our Stockholm office starting in 2025. By doing so, we aim to reduce the amount of radioactive waste associated with non-renewable energy sources.

Tobii Package

Sustainable decisions

We strive to integrate environmental, social, and economic considerations into all decisions. Sustainable decision-making involves reducing our impact and creating positive value for our stakeholders and the planet. Our policies and decision-making processes are being revised to incorporate sustainability considerations and align with our key environmental aspects.

Funding and support - Tobii

IT with low environmental impact

We aim to minimize the environmental impact of our IT operations by reducing paper use through digital solutions, using certified sustainable products, sourcing from high-sustainability vendors, and implementing end-of-life strategies like take-back services. To further reduce our impact, we collect emission data, establish guidelines for hardware and data centers, explore green software engineering, and promote remote deployment to cut transportation.

Recycling bins

Green values

Our values will shortly reflect our commitment to sustainability and our efforts to ensure that every team member helps reduce our environmental footprint. We appreciate our employees' dedication and innovative ideas, which we harness through the Tobii Green Vision Forum to inspire solutions and drive actions for a more sustainable world.

Reducing environmental impact of our products

Tobii is committed to taking environmental responsibility throughout our products' life cycle—from design to disposal, recycling, or reuse—to minimize their environmental impact. We have a well-defined product development process and meet other environmental requirements relevant to the product, such as regulations regarding hazardous substances.

Glasses manufacturing
Tobii Packaging

Design for environment

At the end of 2023, we integrated Design for Environment (DfE) guidelines and requirements into our system requirement specification template and product development process. DfE, a holistic approach, guides our product designs to minimize environmental impact throughout their life cycle, including packaging. We prioritize renewable materials, reduce hazardous substances, and improve recyclability where possible. To encourage material circularity and extend product use, we offer rental and subscription services.

Recycled parts

End of life management

We comply with regulations for consumer electronics, packaging, and batteries in the EU and relevant markets, using only materials and components that meet RoHS, REACH, POP, TSCA, and CAL Prop 65 requirements. We also adhere to European and US packaging laws. By continuously monitoring regulatory trends, we ensure compliance with applicable rules. As part of compliance schemes for collecting and recycling electronic waste (WEEE), batteries, and packaging, we partner with local organizations in the EU to reduce unnecessary transport. Learn more about how to recycle your eye tracker and our approach to WEEE, batteries, and packaging.

Sustainable suppliers

Tobii is a global company with suppliers worldwide. While we don't handle raw materials, we set standards that must be upheld throughout the supply chain. A key part of Tobii’s sustainability efforts is partnering with suppliers and subcontractors who meet the highest social, environmental, and governance (ESG) standards. Our Supplier Sustainability Program ensures these standards are maintained.

eye tracker parts

Supplier Sustainability Program

Our Supplier Sustainability Program spans the entire relationship, from selection and qualification to periodic assessments throughout the contract period. We aim to maintain long-term relationships through tailored governance plans for each supplier.

Suppliers are evaluated based on various factors, including quality and environmental management systems, adherence to our Code of Conduct, and risks related to information security and business continuity. Before engagement, suppliers must meet mandatory social criteria such as zero tolerance for child labor, forced labor, excessive overtime, and ensure workers' rights to organize freely without retaliation. Environmental factors like hazardous waste management, energy use, and pollution control are also key benchmarks.

Our scope includes indirect suppliers, primarily in Europe and the US, with a focus on maintaining high ethical and environmental standards. Sustainability expectations are clearly outlined in our Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct, which aligns with the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, ensuring that suppliers and their subcontractors uphold environmental responsibility, ethical business practices, and safe, fair working conditions.

We require all suppliers to respect human rights in accordance with internationally recognized standards, such as the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Based on a risk assessment that considers geography, production type, and Tobii’s purchasing volume, we conduct annual audits and evaluations. We work closely with suppliers that fall short of our standards, aiming for continuous improvement and mitigating risks throughout the supply chain.

Controversial sourcing

Tobii acknowledges the risks associated with sourcing minerals from high-risk areas, including links to conflict funding and human rights violations. Our Supplier Code of Conduct promotes responsible sourcing of tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold, ensuring that conflict minerals do not finance conflicts or violate human rights. The Code also requires suppliers to ensure compliance throughout their own supply chains. Our program focuses on improving the sustainability of our existing suppliers through engagement and collaboration, prioritizing improvements over terminating business relationships.

Ethical conduct

We strive to be a transparent and responsible company that builds trust and delivers with dedication. Guided by strong values and high ethical standards, we aim to positively impact society, maintain our reputation, keep customers coming back, and motivate our employees.

A woman packing boxes

Data security

Our standard for managing data is high and evolving. Tobii cares about the rights of the individual and therefore places high demands on our partners. As a tech company capable of collecting user data through attention computing, we are committed to user data protection, which we address through three separate initiatives.

1. Transparency

We recognize the responsibility of AI innovation, particularly in data collection. Our Eye Tracking Data Transparency Policy requires user consent for any software storing or transferring eye tracking data. Vendors must specify the data’s purpose and ensure its exclusive use. We promote these principles across the industry, apply them in our products, and require partner compliance. Software must provide clear user options for data acceptance and display a visual indicator when data is stored or transferred.

2. Privacy

We comply with GDPR, overseen by our data protection officer, and follow the updated Tobii Data Privacy Policy, aligned with CCPA. Employees must report any potential data breaches to our legal and IT teams. We provide data privacy training during onboarding, with additional training for those handling European personal data.

3. Protection

Tobii prioritizes information security with an
ISO 27001:2014-certified management system. Employees and consultants receive ongoing training on information security. We believe ethical practices build trust, reduce risks, and contribute to success, fostering a culture of responsibility and integrity across the company.


We manage bribery and corruption risks through annual risk analysis by our executive team and Board. Our Supplier Code of Conduct prohibits bribery, corruption, extortion, and embezzlement. Our Anti-Corruption Policy, part of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, ensures thorough vetting of business partners who may interact with government officials on our behalf. Partners must comply with our anti-corruption policies and laws. By signing the Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct, suppliers commit to ethical business practices and compliance with anti-corruption laws. All new employees receive relevant training during onboarding.

Whistleblower system

Our whistleblower policy outlines how to report complaints, what to report, how reports are handled, investigation outcomes, and whistleblower protection, including a non-retaliation clause. Tobii provides a whistleblower channel for both internal and external stakeholders, allowing reports to be made openly, confidentially, or anonymously, with all reports handled in strict confidence.

Find out more or report a case in our Whistleblower Policy.

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