Board room

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for Tobii's organization and management of its affairs. Tobii's board consists of six members, including the Chairman, without deputies.

Per Norma

Per Norman, born 1964

Chairman of the Board since 2022

MSc in Mechanical engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. MBA, International business, Uppsala University, Uppsala.

Current assignments and background
Per Norman has previously held many executive positions within media, tech and gaming companies. Present Chairman of the Board of H.O.L.M Security Sweden AB, Learnster AB, Cool Company Skandinavien AB. Board member of Sveriges Television Aktiebolag, GLHF Group AB. Previous Chairman of the board of Leo Vegas, CEO Mr Green & Co AB (Publ,), CEO Boxer TV-Access AB, CEO SES Sirius AB, VP/CTO Modern Times Group MTG AB.

In relation to major shareholders: Yes
In relation to the company and management: Yes

580,096 shares (April 18, 2024)

Carl Mellander - Tobii Board member

Carl Mellander, born 1964

Director and board member since 2024

Bachelor of Arts degree from Stockholm University.

Current assignments and background
Senior Vice President and CFO of the Ericsson Group since 2017 until this year. Previous positions at Ericsson include Vice President and Group Treasurer and Head of Finance for Region West and Central Europe. Previous positions include CFO for a telecom operator and within the defence industry. Board member of Grönskär Gruppen AB and AB Svensk Exportkredit. Member of the Save the Children Funding and Partnership Council.

In relation to major shareholders: Yes
In relation to the company and management: Yes

988,497 shares (May 23, 2024)

Sarah Eccleston - Tobii Board member

Sarah Eccleston, born 1970

Director and board member since 2024

Degree in Electronics and Telecommunications at the University of Coventry.

Current assignments and background
Previous roles as Global CTO and Global Vice President of Small Business at Cisco (2019-2022), several senior positions in global technology companies such as Cisco, Nortel Networks and Verizon. Board member of Telia Company and Data Communications Company (DCC) and nominated as board member of NCAB Group.

In relation to major shareholders: Yes
In relation to the company and management: Yes

0 shares (May 23, 2024)

John Elvesjö, co-founder

John Elvesjö, born 1977

Director and board member since 2024

Attended KTH University (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan) in Engineering Physics.

Current assignments and background
Serial entrepreneur and investor. Managing Partner at Node Ventures. Former co-founder of Tobii and Tobii Dynavox, where he was Vice President during the period 2001-2018 and CTO during the period 2001-2015. Bord assignments in Node Ventures, Brightly Ventures, Wehype, Yabie, Collective Minds Radiology, Hooked Foods, Fast Travel Games, Zevoy (FI), The Incredible Machine and Swedish Space Corporation.

In relation to major shareholders: Yes
In relation to the company and management: Yes

13,060,000 shares (May 23, 2024)

Charlotta Falvin

Charlotta Falvin, born 1966

Director and board member since 2018

MSc in Business Administration, Lund University.

Current assignments and background
Board member at Bure Equity, Nel ASA, Tobii Dynavox, MINC i Sverige AB and Malmö Ground AB. Previously board member of Axis, Doro and Sinch. Extensive experience from leading positions in IT and telecom, e.g. COO at Axis, Decuma and TAT.

In relation to major shareholders: Yes
In relation to the company and management: Yes

126,500 shares (April 18, 2024)

Jörgen Lantto

Jörgen Lantto, born 1963

Director and board member since 2019

Technical college graduate, telecommunications, Midskogsskolan.

Current assignments and background
Chairman of the board of Cambridge Mechatronics Ltd snd Zwipe AS. Board member of Bromma Tech Consulting AB. CEO and board member of Milepost AB. CEO of Fingerprint Cards and prior to that, more than 25 years of experience from leading positions within Ericsson group.

In relation to major shareholders: Yes
In relation to the company and management: Yes

99,000 shares (April 18, 2024)