Tobii Investor relations

Corporate governance

Corporate governance aims to secure Tobii’s commitments towards all stakeholders. The corporate governance also supports the company’s competitiveness and long-term value creation through clear and effective governance and control activities. Our initiatives in corporate governance guide our employees in relation to good business conduct and promote a healthy risk culture.

Regulatory framework and governance model

Tobii AB (publ) is a Swedish public limited liability company that operates under Swedish law. Tobii has its registered office in Danderyd, Sweden and its shares have been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since April 24, 2015.

Its corporate governance is regulated by the Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rule Book for Issuers, the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the Code) and other applicable rules, standards and policies.

The Swedish Code of Corporate Governance is based on the “comply or explain” concept. This means that a company can deviate from the Code’s rules without this entailing a breach of the Code. However, a company that deviates from a rule in the Code must explain the chosen alternative solution and the reason for doing so. Any deviation from the Code is reported in the company's corporate governance report, which is included as part of Tobii's annual report and is available below.

Governance, management and control are divided among the Board of Directors, CEO and Group Management in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, recommendations and Tobii AB’s articles of association and internal rules. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the company’s highest decision making body and where the shareholders exercise their voting rights. The Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board are elected by the AGM following a proposal from the Nomination Committee. The Board appoints the CEO.

The Board of Directors’, the CEO’s management and the company’s financial reporting are reviewed by the external auditor appointed by the AGM. To improve the efficiency of and deepen the work in certain issues, the Board has established an Audit Committee and a Remuneration Committeee.

Corporate Governance Reports

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